Albania PM looks to reform the labor market

Albania’s Prime Minister Sali Berisha discusses an initiatives that is expected to be launched about the labour market with the representatives of the labour offices, heads of regions who have already used some new instruments of activating the labour market, the representatives of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and academicians.

The reform of the labour market aims to increase efficiency in employment services and adaptation of the unemployment benefits into employment incentives. The talk focused on Hartz concept and its implementation in Albanian reality. It consists of a set of recommendations on reform to the Albanian labour market, the establishment of the one-stop-shop centres, deregulation of the labour market, the removal of limitations on part time job, the automatic renewal of the work agreement of the 52 year-old age group and older, financing the start of a small business (My Company), the creation of new types of employment (minijob and midijob) through tax reduction.

The adaptation of this concept in Albania becomes possible following implementation of the fiscal and administrative reforms including the reduction of several taxes to support business development and creation of new jobs; the completion of digitalization of the employment service; the successful piloting of some similar instruments in the labour market; the application of the employment programmes already appreciated for their impact; support for the social business, similar to minijob and midijob; the participation of the local government into employment programmes; reform in the social assistance system, combined with the employment services; the drafting of amendments to the Labour Code on space of the part time work agreements.
